If you’re a business owner who is banking on a DIY’d sales page to help you meet your next-level sales goals…

I have news for ya:

Scrawling endlessly in your journal, repeating your goals, and wondering why-oh-why more people aren’t buying isn’t going to fix your problem.

It’s hard to come up short of your goal, isn’t it?

Let’s get purely logical about it for a minute by examining one essential component of crushing any celebration-worthy promotion:

Do you have a HIGH-PERFORMANCE sales page to anchor your launch?

Does your sales page:

  • showcase your offer as a yes-please-I-need-this-now solution to your reader’s problem

  • ethically compel your reader to take action (from her free-will, no games)

  • make your reader feel heard, seen, understood, and about to be supported

  • differentiate you and your offering in a digital sea of a bazillion other similar offers

  • rest on an effective and proven pricing strategy

  • all while creating a memorable brand-messaging-moment for your reader

Beyond that: is it concise, clear, and effectively communicating the true value of your offer?

Look — the number of mistakes on your sales page could be many but what if there was a quick-win way to:

  • identify the areas of your sales page that are costing you sales and sign-ups

  • get my mind on your sales page before your next launch so you can roll into this thing with certainty and confidence

  • correct your mistakes as a preventative and success-inducing measure before you get out there and start CTA’ing your people

  • learn more about the best possible sales angle and messaging before you lean into the less-than-optimal angle publicly



Picture this:

Instead of wondering why you’re not breaking into those new normal goals yet you get to cozy up with your coffee and dig into an in-depth analysis of your sales page.

You’ll watch the custom video of me walking through every aspect of your sales page, you’ll download and read your A+ Sales Page Analysis PDF, and through these mediums — you’ll learn *exactly* what mistakes are costing you sales, sign-ups, and new students.


You get to fix ‘em right up before go time.

No more driving blind my friend.


Here’s How The A+ Sales Page Analysis Works:

Step 1. You submit your application.

Step 2. If approved, I propose a project kick-off date and then send you the link to purchase your analysis. Hey, congrats!

Step 3. On your project kick-off date I get to work analyzing your sales page (blue blockers on, fav pink mug in hand, let’s go).

Step 4. You receive an email welcoming you to view your A+ Sales Page Analysis . My findings are delivered via video and PDF.

Step 5. You head off to fix problems with your positioning, your pricing, your unique selling proposition, and your sales copy before you move into your next promotional period or launch.

We’ll determine your official project start date together after you apply but before you purchase your analysis so you know how to plan.

Apply for your analysis below.



The A + Sales Page Analysis is for you, if you are:

  • a leader, expert, educator, or facilitator

  • are a few years into business (minimum)

  • nurturing relationships with your readers via your email list 

  • strategizing your next-best launch or promo period

The A+ Sales Page Analysis is not for you if you:

  • are brand new in business

  • have never successfully sold a product, program, or service

  • need my analysis tomorrow (ah!)

  • are not committed to bringing massive value to your clients, customers, and students


Hi, I’m Jillian ANDERSON and i’m not the new kid on the block.

Before I transitioned into copywriting professionally I was a digital marketer myself.

In 2017 my first group program launch enrolled over 20 students at a price point of $497, and generated just over $10,000 from an email list of less than 700 readers.  

The next time I offered that program, I generated over $17,000 from the launch and came to understand that my highest-impact skill was copywriting. 

Over the span of six years I designed and sold offerings that served women from over 55 countries around the world: masterminds, 8-week programs, digital trainings, an in-person retreat in Tulum, writing workshops  — each having a high-performance sales page as its power-anchor.

The skills I have developed and the marketing knowledge I have gained over the last ten years now propels the women who trust me with their copy.


What women are saying about working with me:


“Her copywriting skill and marketing knowledge allow me to focus on my own zone of genius and top life priorities.”

“Jillian writes my web copy, sales copy, nurture sequence emails, sales inquiry scripts, and more. Her copywriting skill and marketing knowledge allow me to focus on my own zone of genius and my top life priorities.

— Cynthia Spenla, Copywriting Client


“I literally doubled my income during the program!”

I love to keep Jillian's offering close to my heart and my work because they not only help me grow my business, but bring me awareness of the connection between: work, my mission on Earth, and how I do life.

Isn't it all so connected? 

Working with Jillian brought me alignment to clarify what my offering to the world is, and to be SO excited about it, that I literally doubled my income during the program.

— Fabiana Wan, Program Student


“My first applicants! It’s happening!”

I made a new sales page, a new opt in, wrote new copy, used ALL of the info we learned in your program, plus added some of my own special sauce… AND! Last night, I had FOUR people apply for my program!!!!!! I’m freaking out Jillian! MY FIRST APPLICANTS! IT’S HAPPENING!

— Alexxa Latta, Program Student


“The sales page review and copywriting support was so helpful!”

“Before working with Jillian I struggled not knowing where to begin in terms of packaging up my services. Pricing, launch strategy, promotion and marketing were all a mystery!

After working with Jillian I feel really confident with pricing and launch strategy. I also have a ton of practical list building and promotional strategies at my fingertips that I will be using to help build my audience, and I'm so thankful! The sales page review and copywriting support was so helpful!!”

Leigh-Anne Lui, Program Student



  • After you apply you’ll hear from me within 1-2 business days. If your application is accepted, I’ll propose a project start date, provide you with my contract, and send you the link to purchase your analysis.

  • The 10-business day turnaround countdown begins on your project’s official kick-off date.

    We’ll determine your project’s kick-off date together after you apply and before you purchase your analysis so you know how to plan.

  • In this case, we’d make moves to get your project on my calendar. I may or may not have an opening that works with your launch timeline, so I suggest letting me know you’re thinking about this ASAP.

    Apply for your A+ Sales Page Analysis below and at the bottom of the form say, “I might want you to write my new sales page!”

    My email is hello@jillian-anderson.com and I can’t wait to dial our plan in!

  • Yes ma’am, sure is! Simply fill out the application and I’ll point you in the right direction.


What you’ll receive inside of your A+ Sales Page Analysis is a total, top-to-bottom, no-stone-unturned breakdown from a seasoned pro.

Let’s be real, the success of your promo or launch does hinge on multiple factors:

  • how many new readers and leads you’ve nurtured since your last promo

  • your overall launch strategy and your execution of that strategy

  • the health, accuracy, and effectiveness of your #1 launch asset a.k.a your sales page

  • your ability to be emotionally grounded as you promo

If you have been generating new readers, you have a strategy mapped out, and you start sending said readers to a sales page with as many holes as my pasta strainer, then what?

They don’t feel it.

They don’t get it.

They bounce and they don’t buy it — at least not at the volume you’re aiming for.

Investing in the A+ Sales Page Analysis for your launch
is a preventative measure of sorts but it’s also a way to set up an offering that can sell like whoa on repeat.

My goal with The A+ Sales Page Analysis is to have you walk into this thing with an unwavering confidence.

And when the launch boat starts rocking you’ll be anchored to the knowledge that your sales page is solid, reliable, and ready to convert your people from readers into blessed-to-be-buyers — not only today but well into the future.

Big Love,